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Most Frequently Asked Questions
How do I locate the OYO for my current upcoming booking?
How do I create a booking through OYO ?
How can I find the best deals available?
How do I check the status of my current Bookings ?
What are the valid ID Proofs that I should carry ?
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Discounts and Coupons
I applied a coupon. Now I am not able to use OYO money after that. Why is that so?
Why can't I modify my discounted bookings ?
How can I find the best deals available?
Booking Creation
How to create a booking in OYO?
Why did my booking convert to an unconfirmed booking even when agent said it is confirmed?
How do I book more than 3 OYO rooms (bulk booking)?
As the booking is made on the name of account holder, how to change the name to actual guest who is coming?
What is the difference between standard and premium properties?
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What is the cancellation & refund policy of OYO?
How much time does it take for the amount to get credited?
How do I get refunds processed for cancelled bookings ?
How can I get my payment voucher for my stay?
Where do I get the invoice for my stay?
Valid IDs
What are the valid Identify proofs that I should carry?
Can a guest check-in if the name on the ID does not match the booking name?
Can I provide photocopy of the valid ID as identity proof ?
Booking Modifications
How can I extend my booking?
I want to increase/decrease the no. of rooms in my booking. How can I do that?
Why are the extension prices different from initial room tariff at which the booking was made?
Is there a provision of early check-in or late check-out? Are there any charges?
Feedback Customer
Booking Cancellation
How do I cancel my booking?
Can I cancel a part of my booking?
What are the cancellation policies in OYO?
What would happen if I do not cancel my pre-paid booking and do not show up for my booking?
Payment for Bookings
What is the difference between pay at hotel and prepaid bookings?
Why can't I make bookings at some hotels without making advance payments ?
I booked the stay for different tariff and property manager is asking me some different tariff, why?
Is there any restriction on number of rooms for postpaid bookings?
Information Updation
How to change my account information?
A pop up is saying that, an account already exist with this E-mail ID, What do I do?
I forgot my password, how to login?
How can I create my account without having an e-mail id?
What is OYO and how is it different from other hotel booking websites?
What amenities can I expect in a standard OYO?
How can I reach out to OYO if I am unhappy with the services?
Is there any toll free number for booking creation?
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Problems related to account
How do I logout from the app?
How can I delete booking history from my app?
I uninstalled my app. How can I re-login?
Can I login from somebody else's account in my app?
How do I locate OYO where I have booked my stay?
Where do I enquire about OYOs for Weddings/Functions?
Does OYO provide alcohol?
I did not get the password for my wi-fi. How do I get that?
What are some additional services that OYO offers?
Can I get customized stay options for long-stay?
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OYO for Banquet Halls, Weddings and Party Bookings
How to Find OYO for Banquet Halls, Weddings and Party Bookings
OYO for Corporates
How to do a corporate tie-up with OYO?
I am a hotel owner, how can I partner with OYO Rooms?
OYO For Couples
Are unmarried couples allowed at an OYO?
Can I book a room in the same city as in my ID proof?
How do I book a hotel that allows unmarried couples?
How do I activate the Relationship Mode on the app?
The hotel I selected on the Relationship Mode doesn’t allow same city bookings. Can you help?
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